Every year, scores of fishermen and women of all skill levels head out on Alaska fishing trips in the hopes of catching prize worthy creatures. Though there are tons of different fish in Alaska to catch, it’s the King Salmon that many are after. The largest fish in Alaska, the King Salmon is Alaska’s state fish, and average 20 to 40 pounds, but can weigh more than 90.
If you plan on King Salmon fishing in Alaska, keep the following tips in mind to land some of the biggest catches you may ever get.
Head Out at the Right Time.
Every fish in Alaska has its own season, and King Salmon are no different. If you plan on catching King Salmon in freshwater, head out to Alaska around late-spring to mid-summer. Sometime between May to July you can find tons of King Salmon in freshwater. As for saltwater, the best time to head to Alaska is between April and October.
Locate the River’s Backwaters.
As is true when fishing for most other types of fish in Alaska, you’re going to want to find the the river’s backwaters if you want to catch some jaw-droppingly big King Salmon. Most of the popular fish in Alaska aren’t too fond of heavy currents, and will try to hang out as much as possible in whatever backwater creeks that break off and reenter downstream that they can find.
Find Some Weeds.
Once you’ve found the backwaters, try to find a weedy spot. The fish in Alaska tend to group together in areas where weeds are growing. Though weeds aren’t particularly common in rivers, it’s definitely something to keep an eye out for, because if you do see some, then you’ve found a prime fishing spot.
Of all the fish in Alaska you can catch, King Salmon are some of the most prize worthy. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments.