A popular post on social media and in conversations as well, the countdown to the year 2020 has begun. How much more weight can you lose in this decade?
How much do you want to accomplish at work in this decade?
And, for students, how many more classes will you take in this decade?
As high school students across the country tackle the task of completing their college applications, many of them are looking at the options that will make them the most competitive. For some this means making sure that are doing everything that they can to boost their ACT or SAT scores; for others it means siding up for one more full semester of rigorous class work instead of falling to the temptation of coasting through the end of their senior year.
In the midst of trying to be competitive in all of their applications, however, it is also important to realize that there also needs to be come quality relaxation. And while this is a generation that often thinks of surfing the internet and checking social media sites as worthwhile endeavors during their down times. The fact of the matter is, however, quality relaxation is often more refreshing in the great outdoors.
Today’s Parenting Often Differs from Past Generations
If you have spent any amount of time working with children in the last decade then you have likely made the same observation that many doctors, researchers, educators, and counselors have been reporting: today’s children simply are not being parented in an effective way. While today’s parents are often known for working full time and hiring nannies to watch their young children, past generations may have been more focused on making sure that one parent was always home. Left to wander the neighborhood until dark, generations of teens and kids in the past often became more self reliant than what today’s youth are.
Another priority, and what some would call a ritual, is the family vacation. Interestingly enough, there is a segment of parents today who are focusing on experiences rather than things as they plan for this year’s holiday gifts. From weekends at the lake with used boats for sale or for rent to long hikes in the mountains, there are more and more families trying to recapture the family vacation of the past in the midst of all the trappings of today’s world. Whether you are renting a pair of Monterey boats for a long weekend of intergenerational fishing over the holidays or you are planning a Christmas Eve campfire by the ocean, there are still many ways that parents can instill a wonder of the great outdoors in their children.
Fortunately, if you are looking at renting or purchasing Monterey boats or other kinds of watercraft, there are many ways that you can explore your options before arriving at the lake. And if you are thinking about introducing your family to cabin life at the lake, it might be comforting to know that you are not alone. In fact, an estimated 51.59 million people went fishing in the year 2017 alone. Decked out in comfortable fishing garb for the weekend, mothers and fathers alike, as well as some grandparents, are looking for ways to spend more time scanning the water for fish while in Monterey boats, and less time watching their screens. Trading a laptop for a fishing rod and a cell phone for Montery boats for a weekend may indeed the mental break that your child needs as the prepare for the last semester of high school and one more round of high stakes testing.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when a weekend at the lake is more fun and tempting than another Saturday and Sunday at home watching your children scroll through social media feeds:
- As many as 66% of saltwater anglers prefer to fish via powerboat compared to land or shore, so it should come as no surprise that Monterey boats and other models are increasingly popular.
- There were an estimated 11.86 million registered recreational boating vessels in the U.S. as of 2016.
- Retail sales for new boats, engines, and other marine accessories like personal watercraft totaled an estimated $17.9 billion in the U.S. in the year 2016 alone.