Is your wife planning a girls’ weekend trip? Or maybe you’d like to spend some quality time with the men in your life. What is there to do aside from play golf or bowl? Try something a bit different this time … try out an Alaska Fly Fishing Lodge. Imagine sitting on a large boat (the average is 37 feet long), floating on the Kenai River, enjoying the fresh breeze. You glance up to see some marvelous sights … huge snow covered mountains and large trees gently swaying in the breeze. You feel at peace.
While you’re relaxing, don’t forget you’re there to fish. The world’s largest king salmon was caught in the Kenai River. Can you guess how much it weighed? A whopping 97 pounds! Fish that size definitely take your attention away from the mountains when they regularly jerk your line. Don’t worry about bringing all that meat back home … many lodges will package and freeze the fish and send it to your home. Salmon isn’t your favorite fish? Don’t worry, there are many types of fish in Alaska such as huge trophy sized rainbow trout and Dolly Varden trout.
After you’ve tired yourself out reeling in the big one, you can relax in luxury log cabins. Drowning in as much luxury as a log cabin can provide, you may actually forget you’re here to fish in Alaska. Some Kenai River fishing lodges are prime bear watching locations! What better way to get in touch with your inner man than watching a 1,200 pound grizzly bear walk through the woods passed your cabin. After the threat is gone, you can live the cabin life by going down to the river to cook up some of that delicious fish you caught earlier.
Look out your window when you get a chance. You’re most likely not in Alaska on the Kenai River. You’re probably at work or at home looking for something interesting to do. You need a nice get away once in a while. Be it with your father, your brother, your son, or even your boss, an Alaska fishing trip is what you need. Why waste your time at another golf game? Book an Alaska Fly Fishing Lodge today!