Personal training today looks like a distribution chain: loaning out some of a trainer’s equipment to keep their peeps moving and feeling healthy. In fact, it seems like so many people in this service are really stepping up to provide everything possible to help anyone who wants to use exercise as a stress reliever.
Stress is a great medicine, and it is so inspiring to see so many people moving. Trainers and coaches hope that their clients and followers are as encouraged as they am to still be moving, to stay confident and, to be hopeful that the nation will come thru these unexpected medical challenges and be better for it.
Different and better.
For most of us, the biggest hurdle is fear of the unknown. And just because it is easy to be afraid, it is certainly not very helpful. If today’s medical and economical new is discouraging, stay off the television and the laptops for a day or two a week. As athletes, coaches, and trainers attempt to put something positive out there to keep hope alive, there are some people who are finding themselves with more time to focus on fitness. Staying afraid will inhibit a person’s ability to heal and help. Stay strong! Stay positive! Stay hopeful!
Americans Love Their Sports!
As the shaved and rolled softball bats, track shoes, soccer balls, and other spring sporting equipment has been packed up at college and high schools across the nation, there are many athletes, coaches, parents, and spectators who are hurting. Mentally and physically, these folks literally ache for the activities that have been a part of the spring sports season. Any parents who have a chance, of course, are trying to provide opportunities for their young athletes to still get the exercise that they need to stay as healthy as possible. With those same shaved and rolled softball bats, rolled baseball bats, catcher’s mitts and other equipment that would have been used for competition this time of year, parents are playing in parks when possible and making use of open backyard spaces to practice a craft that is as American as apple pie.
And if building the confidence of your young hitter is your goal as a parent, you do at least have two things going for you. Number one, shaved bats do not do well in cold temperatures, and you are not supposed to use your shaved bat if it is colder than 65 degrees outside. Fortunately, just as the spirits of many athletes and coaches are declining, it is important to know that the temperatures are soaring. Number two, many parents, although stressed at work, are finding themselves with more down time in the evenings and on the weekends.
Whether you are well versed in the world of rolled bats for baseball and shaved and rolled softball bats, it is important to know that any time you are willing to invest in your young athlete can be beneficial. And while the most finely crafted shaved and rolled softball bats may help kids get the feel and confidence of longer hits, the mere fact that you are now able to spend more time simply playing catch in the backyard is the real bonus. Few parents can replicate the kind of coaching that athletes of any age would receive if the regularly scheduled competitions, activities, and training sessions were allowed to go on, it is important to note that there are still many things a parent can do for a student athlete.
These are challenging times as an entire world looks for a way to go forward without the sports that we all know and love, but as many have pointed out this is also a time when many people have the unique opportunity to rest injured bodies, as well as continue the strength and conditioning that will make everyone a better competitor in the future.
Staying active, of course, is as important to young athletes as it is to middle age and older adults. Finding a time to get outside to get some fresh air may not be the same if you are not able to cheer on your favorite athlete, but it is still very beneficial. Ready to move?