Having a pool is all about kicking back, relaxing, and having a ton of fun in the sun! However, having a pool can be a big responsibility, and maintaining it properly takes a bit of work. Despite the work involved in having a pool, it’s well worth it!
Pools are an excellent way to beat the heat and entertain outdoors during the summer. However, as with any outdoor activity, it’s important to lay some ground rules in order to ensure everyone enjoys themselves while staying safe.
First and foremost, it’s important keep your pool’s chemistry in balance in order to keep it sanitary and safe to swim in. Even in as little as two to three weeks, your pool water can turn 50 shades of green without proper maintenance. While your pool’s water may be the last thing on your mind during the cold months of winter, it’s still recommended to check your pool water at least once a week. Now that spring is here, you can get a jump start on your summer pool maintenance by stocking up on essential swimming pool products such as pool cleaning equipment such as strainers, pool cleaning products, and sand filter sand if your pool’s filtration system requires it.
Once you’ve gotten a handle on your pool water chemistry, it’s time to focus on lighting. Keeping your pool can help keep your family, friends, and guests safe while adding a little visual variation. Underwater pool lights not only add flare to your pool, but they’re necessary for gauging the depth of the water. When properly maintained, LED underwater pool lights can last up to 15 years.
Last but not least, it’s important to ensure guests, especially young children, are always supervised when in and around the pool. Accidents can and do happen, which means no rough-housing, no running, and no pushing in or around the pool. See more.