As the international soccer games of the 2018 World Cup in Russia approach their final matches, MSNBC reports that this year’s tournament has seen record numbers of soccer fans tuning in on a variety of devices. According to viewership data across all devices, in fact, some of the statistics after just the first 14 matches indicate that as many as 20 million viewers have found a way to tune into the international soccer games this summer.
At a time when the world often seems more divided than ever before, it is good to have a sporting diversion to unite fans across the globe. It is in these World Cup years, off course when there is also an added interest in other teams finding a way to travel and compete nationally. From elite youth soccer groups to colleges and university players, it should come as no surprise that some of the top team’s in this nation start looking beyond trips within the U.S. to show case their skills.
The fact that these athletes of all ages also get a chance to visit famous world sites while they are competing is an added bonus. With a combination of great competition and great places to visit, in fact, players, coaches, and parents are often willing to invest big bucks. These trips, of course, require specialized planning so there is now a growing industry that seeks to meet these needs.
Soccer Tours Allow Young Athletes to Experience International Play and Visit Famous Sites
Travel soccer tours are especially popular during the years when the International Cup is played. As athletes watch the most famous athletes from soccer’s world stage gather, there are also less famous athletes and their coaches and parents who dream up big plans.
Consider some of these statistics about the interest in international soccer games, big tournaments, and travel opportunities:
- Sweden has a current tally of 45 national stadiums.
- Soccer is so popular in Central and South American countries that even towns with fewer than 200 people in Costa Rica and Guatemala have soccer fields.
- Being a competitive athlete early in life is an indicator of future success. In fact, a recent survey of 400 female corporate executives found that 94% of them played a sport and that 61% say sport has contributed to their career success.
- Across the globe, 25 million kids play soccer or “football” every year.
- English football leagues are played in a hierarchical structure where the 20 best teams play in a grouping called the Premier League.
- The World Cup, which began began in 1930, is played every four years to determine world soccer supremacy.
If you have not sat and watched or listened to at least one soccer game during the World Cup this summer you may find that you are in the minority. In a time when the world political stage can seem so exhausting, many people find that it is more enjoyable to watch the world’s top international soccer games instead of listening to politicians.