Sitting at your dad’s table for breakfast, you got up and walked around the table to get yourself a second cinnamon roll. Straight from the can and barely baked, the firs roll that your mother offered you was a little too doughy for your liking. Making the decision to have a second one, you had your eye on one of the rolls that was along the outside of the baking dish, hoping that it would be baked a little closer to your liking.
Your dad, of course, wondered why you had not just shouted for one at let them serve it for you. You simply smiled in response. Number one, shouting is what you would have had to do because your parents listen to the morning television news at such a high volume. Number two, you actually thought to yourself that if you are going to commit the very unhealthy decision to eat a second cinnamon role, the least you could do was get up and walk half way around the table to get it.
Many Americans Need to Find a Way to be More Active
In a time when the obesity rates in this country are alarming and as many as 66% of parents worry their children spend too much time on electronic devices, it should come as o surprise that many of of are in need of more activity. And whether your crime is too many processes and canned cinnamon rolls in the morning or too many tasty alcoholic beverages at night, activity is the one way that people can get themselves, and their children, back to a healthier lifestyle.
Fortunately, there is an entire industry build around trying to get Americas more active from jiu jitsu and other martial arts classes for adults and children to running clubs and fitness centers, there are many ways that you can work to make yourself more healthy. Brazilian jiu jitsu, tai chi, kickboxing, yoga, and many other activities allow people to train and strengthen their core while at the same time keeping people active.
The number of U.S. participants six years and older in martial arts reached approximately 3.58 million in 2016. In fact, as many as 2.38 million people in that same age group indicated in 2017 that they participated in mixed martial arts for fitness. The American Heart Association recommends that children over the age of two engage in at least one hour a day of moderate physical activity. Are you doing all that you can to make sure that both you and your children are as healthy as possible? If not, it might be time to sign up for a jiu jitsu class.