As people get older, their lips tend to get smaller. This is increasingly noticeable for many people, and they want to do something about it. Getting a Juvederm treatment can help to make lips fuller as well as to fill in other areas around the mouth. It is often considered the best filler brand for that area of the face.
To get the best lip filler product, you need to find the best place to get Juvederm near me. This may be a medspa, a dermatology clinic, or it may be a plastic surgeon’s office. Getting the best Juvederm lip filler will require you to talk about the areas that bother you and to find out what can be done for those areas to best fill them in. Many people get Juvederm on the wrinkles around the mouth that are called marionette lines.
When you want to restore the youthful look of the bottom half of your face, getting an injectable filler can work wonders. It can restore the look you once had and want to continue to have. Getting injectables is an easy way to change your look to one that is more youthful, and it doesn’t require any downtime.
Your body image matters a lot. Confidence and high self-esteem, which are essential, start with you loving your body. Juvederm can help you get the lips you have always dreamt of, consequently giving you a confidence boost. It aims to restore contours, fill lips as well as improve any signs of aging.
Juvederm lips have been approved; hence, there is nothing to fear. The good thing about Juvederm lips, you can notice the results as soon as the procedure is complete. Better still, the results can last up to two years.
Types of Juvederm
Ideally, Juvederm is based on hyaluronic acid. There are many a range of products in the Juvederm family, each with its purpose. For instance, Juvederm volume XC increases the size of your cheeks, Juvederm vollure XC fills out wrinkles while Juvederm ultra XC is a lip enhancement treatment.
Before undertaking a Juvederm lip treatment, it is essential to have a sitting with a medical professional. Discuss with them everything from your cosmetic goals, fears, and expectations. Usually, Juvederm lip treatment does not require so much preparation, so it can be done immediately after the consultation.
During the doctor’s visit, you are advised on avoiding some things like alcohol, smoking, and various types of medicine. Avoiding these things helps you prevent bruises on recently filled lips. In case you have any sensitivities, let the doctor know.
How Juvederm Lip Treatment Works
Juvederm’s active ingredient is hyaluronic acid, which is naturally in the human body. It works by stimulating the production of the connective tissue in the body known as collagen. Collagen, in turn, plumps the skin on the targeted area, for instance, the lips.
While at it, the doctor needs to map out the lips using a pen carefully. This helps them stick to the area without any mistakes. He will then go ahead and inject the Juvederm into the lips. To ensure even distribution and uniform appearance, the doctor will give you a light massage. The massage prevents swelling on your treated lips.
Usually, the injections have pain-reducing lidocaine, though in small amounts. The lidocaine goes a long way in minimizing pain and discomfort during the treatment. The procedure will be over in a matter of seconds.
What are the Side Effects?
Juvederm lip treatment does not have any significant side effects when done professionally. However, you can experience minor ones such as swelling and slight bruising. You can also notice some redness, itching, and minor pain. The side effects will subside in a couple of days. To prevent any severe side effects, make sure you get treated by a qualified doctor. You can get perfect Juvederm lips in Seattle easily. While at any luxury spa seattle, ensure you ask for the doctor’s license and certification.
How Much Juvederm You Need
Different people have different needs. Some people have very flat lips, which they want to treat. Others have lips that only require slight filling to get the desired size. The amount of Juvederm used will depend on your desired results as well as the size of your existing lips.
In some cases, if you need a lot of filling, one session would not be enough. Therefore, you need to go for more than one filling session until you achieve your desired look.
Can a Juvederm Gone Wrong?
Any procedure, if not done correctly, stands a chance of going wrong. The only way to lower the chances of going wrong is by working with a reputable clinic. Another cause can be allergic reactions to the hyaluronic acid fillers.
Is There Going Back?
Some people avoid trying out things on their body, for the fear that it is a permanents adjustment. However, with Juvederm lips, you can change your mind anytime. The reversal procedure is done using an enzyme known as hyaluronidase.
Sometimes, the doctor might make errors during juvederm lips treatment. In that case, he can use the same reversal procedure to correct the mistakes quickly.
Quick Healing Tips
There are a few things you can do to speed up the healing process. To start with, avoid exposure to the sun. Also, immediately after the procedure, icing your lips and taking arnica tablets helps you prevent bleeding.
Ensure you get a legit lip filling service for gratifying results.