You’ve got the ring slipped on your finger and now begins the fun. Maybe not exactly the fun, there are so many things that you now have to do and put together before your big day. From find a dress to asking your bridal party and finding your perfect destination for a honeymoon. All of these steps are now on your shoulders in order to put together that dream wedding you’ve had in mind since the days of make believe and dragon fighting. Perhaps there is one tip that should be given before you step out to find that dress. Book your wedding venue first. Your wedding venue could be the key that makes everything else fall right into place.
Considering that the average number of wedding guests at a wedding is 127, picking a date when these people can all gather n the same place is a very tricky task. The faster that the event venue is picked the quicker you will be well on your way making your plans and going about your business. It isn’t only about the people that you need to worry about.
From bridal showers to family reunions and even sweet sixteen’s… with so many people vying for the same party hall rentals and banquet halls it can be difficult to book your ideal venue unless it is chosen far before the date of your wedding. The average engagement lasts about a year and a half after the ring is exchanged. Which means that the sooner you’re able to pick your wedding venue and put your money down on that spot the faster you will be able to get to all of the fun parts of planning your wedding such as picking your colors and deciding what themes you would like to have as part.
There are several things to keep in mind when it comes to wedding venues. Depending on the date you pick there are outdoor wedding venues or indoor venues. This decision will effect everything that you put together from what your dress looks like to the colors that you choose and the decor that you would like involved within your wedding.
As soon as you pick your venue and have your date all set than contacting your corporate catering services and getting all of your other plans in order will fall right into place for you. However, all of these aspects of your wedding need to have a place to go. So before you start planning out your future and your entire life be sure that the reception halls you choose have the room and the time to incorporate you and all of your guests on the day that you so choose to become forever anointed in marriage. You only get one shot to make it perfect, so do everything that you can now to avoid any such hiccups.