Camouflage has long been a staple of natural and modern human hunters, along with spies and soldiers in times past and in the present. Camouflage keeps one undetected and blended into the setting, whether sandy or forest or aquatic, and can make the difference between failure and success. Duck hunting camo netting, for example, is essential for today’s water fowl hunter, and similar camouflage technology extends to soldiers and other game hunters as well. Military camo netting and ghillie suits are in a similar vein.
A Ghillie Suite For You
According to Ghillie Suite Depot, a ghillie suit is an outfit whose loose fabric and twine can break up the wearer’s distinctive human outline, disguising him or her with the surrounding terrain, assuming that the types match. Military snipers, game hunters, and even athletes such as airsoft or paintball players can make use of these suits. A sniper ghillie suit is essential for success, and these suits may weight from three to ten pounds (possibly a little more), making them both effective and lightweight. Hunting can also be made easy if the game animal can make use of good eyesight.
Duck Hunting Camo Netting
Ghillie suits are just one option. Today’s water fowl hunter has more options at his/her disposal, and duck hunting camo netting is vital for not just the hunter’s actual position, but for disguising his/her truck, boat, supplies, and other equipment nearby to keep the game animals fooled.
According to Preparing For SHTF, camo netting should be set up just right. Simply draping it over a crate or truck maintains the item’s profile, so instead, the camo netting should be supported by rods or tree branches to create space between the item and the netting, making for a softer and more nondescript outline. What is more, military personnel such as snipers can make use of these tips. Army camo netting can also disrupt the hidden item’s heat signature, concealing it from overhead drones or other heat-detecting equipment. Shadows under the concealed item should be kept in mind, especially as the sun moves during the day.
Water fowl hunters work near water, so duck hunting camo netting should be ready for this. Often, a duck hunter sits in a boat or arrives at the scene in one, and hiding this vehicle, with its unnatural shape and shiny propellers, is a must. For one thing, the camo netting must match the terrain’s natural colors, such as tans and greens. Even the propellers, being shiny and unnatural, can deter ducks, so they too must be hidden carefully, according to RealTree. Further, studying the behavior, preferences, and habitat of intended game animals is just as important as the right equipment and duck hunting camo netting itself. Understanding the game essential to hunting it, and an informed hunter will know just what to do to get the maximum yield.
Browns and greens are not the only option. Some hunters or soldiers may operate in different terrain, and in a tundra, winter camo netting is a must. This netting is usually white to blend in with snow and ice, and heat dispersion is especially important here. Desert camo netting is often a pale, uniform tan to blend into sand and rocky formations, and forest netting may have darker colors than what duck hunting camo netting will use, given the shade and tree leaves in a forest. Deer hunters in particular can make use of woodland camo netting.