It was an uncomfortable and strained conversation, and when it was over you were left with more questions than answers.
For weeks on social media you had noticed some troubling posts about one of your friends. After working together for a year and being the two people in charge of opening the childcare center, the two of you were actually pretty close at one time. In the six years since you left that position, however, your contact with your former coworker has been sporadic. One thing that never failed, however, were his nearly monthly messages wishing you to have an awesome day.
The absence of those messages were what first alerted you to the fact that something may have changed for your friend. In the past six to seven years, no major or minor holiday has passed without you getting a morning reminder to have a great day. Your friend’s messages were often the first text that you received on Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, and even a silly kind of day like National Ice Cream Day.
After a little bit of social media detective work, you were able to discover that your friend had been hospitalized. You sent a message offering your help, but never received a response. Finally, you were able to reconnect and have dinner. You found that he had been struggling with severe depression and had been hospitalized after family members called the authorities and asked them to make a wellness check. A combination of a recent break up and his continued struggle with both pain and excessive sweating had kept him isolated, removing him from the very people, like yourself, who could have been providing him support.
Are You Your Best Self Today?
Whether you could benefit from excessive sweating treatments, laser hair removal, massage therapy, or physical therapy service, it is important to explore the options that are available to help you succeed and thrive. From people who suffer from constant pain and could be helped with massage therapy to those who are uncomfortable in public and could find confidence from excessive sweating treatments, it is important to know that there are many times when local spas, medical clinics, and fitness centers offer the exact resource that you need.
Getting the right amount of physical activity, of course, is one of the major ways that Americans can get themselves back on the right track to being their best selves. Consider these facts and figures about the fitness trends in this country and the need that many experts see for improvements:
- 36% of all regular exercise participants attend some kind of fitness class.
- Unfortunately, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics from 2010 indicated that overall only 23% of U.S. adults get enough exercise.
- 40% of people report that they try to exercise to relieve lower back pain.
- In response to the growing health concerns in this country, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that the number of jobs in the fitness industry is expected to increase by more than 23% over the next decade.
- Currently, there are more than 180,000 fitness clubs around the world.
- As of today, fewer than 33% of children reach the Sports and Fitness Industry Association’s classification of “active to a healthy level.” This means that these children are not even getting 25 minutes of high calorie burning physical activity three times a week, a concern that will continue to cause problems for future generations unless it is reversed.
Fortunately, since the year 2007, the number of spas in America doubled from 71,000 to 149,000. Offering everything from excessive sweating treatments to laser hair removal services, there are many ways that these spas fill the needs of those who are looking for a way to be their best selves.
Whether you need a regular fitness routine or excessive sweating treatments so that you are not ashamed to go to the gym, today is the first chance you have to reverse your current habits and make a move toward being your best self. Quit isolating yourself from your friends, quit ignoring the resources that are available to you, and do something today that can get you back on the path to being the kind of person you want to be!