Going on vacation is hugely important for many people, with more than 90% of those who are currently a part of the workforce in the United States feeling that vacationing is one of the most important things that they can do with their time, at least once or twice a year. And vacationing is actually the activity that has been found to make families in the United States the happiest, with up to 37% of all families stating that they enjoy family vacations together, though the nature of these family vacations might vary.
Of course, there will be a number of things to consider when you take a vacation, such as how much money you’re willing to spend on any given vacation as well as where that vacation will be and how long you will be going for. Choosing the location of your vacation is, of course, particularly critical, as location is everything. For many people planning a vacation here in the United States, a domestic vacation of some sorts is likely to be the top option.
There are many benefits to taking a domestic vacation for the vast majority of families living here in the United States. For one thing, there’s less planning involved, as you won’t need to get a passport as you would for nearly any type of traveling abroad. In addition to this, you’ll be able to support job growth right here in the United States, as more than seven and a half million people in the United States alone are employed through domestic travel in some capacity.
Once you decide that you’ll be traveling domestically, you’ll need to decide where. If you want a beach vacation, a place like Florida can be ideal, as it is typically not too expensive but has a plethora of beaches. Certain regions of California also tend to be a good bet for such trips, as do other southern states throughout the country – even Texas boasts Galveston Island, ideal for the typical family beach vacation. If you’re looking for something a little bit off the beaten path, however, consider going to Alaska.
In Alaska, all inclusive Alaskan lodges are likely more common than you have realized up until this point. From fishing lodges to luxury wilderness lodges, all inclusive Alaskan lodges can be found in many different parts of the state. These all inclusive Alaskan lodges will let you fully experience Alaska – and you might be surprised what you find there. In fact, more than half of people who go on an all inclusive trip to Alaska or on some other type of Alaskan trip, such as a fishing vacation, actually find that their expectations were not only met but exceeded, with only a scant 1% claiming to be disappointed in their vacation experience or their experience at one of the all inclusive Alaskan lodges.
Of course, much of this satisfaction with staying at all inclusive Alaskan lodges is not all to do with the all inclusive Alaskan lodges themselves but with all that the state of Alaska has to offer its visitors, which are coming to stay more frequently than ever before, with rates of visitation at 78% as of the year of 2016 (up from 79% back in the year of 2006). For one thing, Alaska has lots of shopping to offer its tourists and other such visitors, with more than three quarters of Alaskan visitors taking part in some type of shopping experience while staying in the state.
In addition to this, the expansive Alaskan wilderness is alluring to many an Alaskan tourist from the United States. In fact, the wilderness and wildlife in Alaska are so very compelling that more than 45% of all tourists and visitors to the state will make plans to view them, often on wilderness hikes or even during fishing expeditions. Day cruises are also popular among people visiting the state, with more than 35% of visitors participating in one, seeing Alaska as fully as they possibly can during their likely brief stay.
From all inclusive Alaskan lodges to hiking to day cruises, there are many things that Alaska has to offer.