Most Americans enjoy taking vacations, and some 95% of surveyed American employees say that taking a vacation is important to them. This supports quite a large domestic tourism industry that employs many people, such as airplane crews, airport staff, hotel staff, and more. Billions of personal trips are taken across the United States every year, and most often, Americans want to take trips that bring them somewhere further than 50 miles from where they live, to see and experience many new things and get away from the grind and stress of everyday life. Most often, Americans picture a sandy, warm beach for such a vacation, such as the coasts of Florida, California, and Hawaii.
But there’s another option: Alaska. An Alaska all inclusive trip may be a wonderful time for an outdoors enthusiast who prefers hiking, hunting, and fishing over snorkeling, and all inclusive Alaska vacation packages may be found online for one’s next trip to the northernmost American state. Alaskan fishing vacations may include accommodations such as Alaskan fishing lodges, and thes4e Alaskan fishing lodges may be modest but comfortable for someone who doesn’t mind “roughing it” a bit. In other cases, someone visiting Alaska is looking for not these Alaskan fishing lodges, but luxury hotels for guests to an exotic outdoor wedding. While destination weddings to Hawaii are plenty popular, so are destination weddings to this Arctic state in warm spring or summer weather, and this state may offer stunning views that Hawaii doesn’t have. What is there to know about visiting Alaska?
Alaska and Domestic Travel
Many statistics are being kept about domestic travel in the United States, and while Hawaii is arguably the most popular destination of all, Alaska is not far behind. And often, tourists who visit this large, wild state report having had a great time there, even if there are no sandy beaches. In 2016, for a recent example, some 79% of all visitors to Alaska went there for vacations, and 13% visited to see family or friends. Another 5% had traveled there for business, and 3% had gone there for business and pleasure alike. It may be encouraging that most of Alaska’s guests had gone there to enjoy themselves, and surveys can confirm this. Guests to Alaska often report having enjoyed their time there, with 75% of them reporting being very satisfied with that trip. Another 213% were adequately satisfied, and only 1% claimed to be dissatisfied with their time in Alaska.
What are people doing up in Alaska? most often, people are going shopping there at a 75% rate, and 45% are there to view wildlife and 39% want to take day cruises. Nature and hiking tours were enjoyed by 34% of Alaska guests, and 31% wanted sightseeing tours and 22% visited museums there. It may be noted that a person may have gone to Alaska for several of these reasons. Many of these activities involve nature, as Alaska is only thinly populated and has vast swaths of nearly untouched wilderness, ranging from frozen lakes and tundra to pine forests, mountains, glaciers, rivers, and more. Many guests simply want to see it all, and may bring cold weather-friendly hiking clothes, binoculars, a sketch book or camera, and more. Some Americans even go dog-sledding here across snowy ground.
In other cases, someone may visit Alaska for fishing and hunting, and this may involve bringing the correct bows and arrows, firearms, or fishing gear and getting the right permits and paperwork done from local wildlife agencies. Hunters may visit in the right season to hunt bears or cougars or other large game, and fishers may enjoy ice fishing out on frozen lakes in a shack. In warmer weather, a fisher may visit running rapids and creeks to fish for native species in a more traditional and conventional manner, and Alaskan fishing lodges may be found near these bodies of water. Someone going hunting or fishing probably won’t need or even want a room at a luxurious, modern hotel, but rather, rent fishing lodges, remote cabins, and other, more rugged, accommodations. This may be less expensive in some cases anyway, and lends a more authentic and self-reliant air to a hunting or fishing trip in this wild, vast frontier state.