
Looking for a New Water Sport to Enjoy With Friends? Experience Jet Skiing, Wakesurfing or Wakeboarding!

Now that the weather is beginning to warm up in some areas around the country, more and more people are spending time outdoors engaged in recreational activities. In 2017, for example, 13.4% of the United States population enjoyed some type of water sports. Recreational boating was popular with over 87 million adults. Millennials, in particular, Read More


Stay Alert Underwater 5 Diving Tips to Prevent Nitrogen Narcosis

Nitrogen narcosis is a reversible alteration in consciousness that occurs while deep-depth diving. This condition typically occurs in free-divers at depths less than 100 feet and in helmet divers at depths closer to 200 feet. Thankfully, nitrogen narcosis can be completely reversed (with no long-term effects) by simply ascending to shallower depths. Since diving is Read More


Using Shaved USA Bats to Make an Impression on Your Lower League Baseball Team

Over the years, baseball has firmly established itself as one of the most popular sports in the country. Thousands of people take part in this sport at different levels all over the country and for good reason. Entertaining and prized, baseball also provides people with a chance to get involved in a popular sport which Read More